If you have been working out like someone training for the Olympics, but haven't seen a dent in your belly fat, it might be because you don't understand the causes of it. Maybe you look at your favorite celebrity who has the six-pack you've always dreamed of and can't understand why you're not achieving the same thing with all your efforts.
People are under a misimpression that if they do more sit-ups that they will achieve the sculpted six-pack abs they revere so much. Doing this will give you a hard stomach, but it will be underneath that layer of fat you want so desperately to rid yourself of. Once you understand belly fat and its causes, it will be easier to rid yourself of it.
Predisposition to Belly Fat
There are many factors that play into why some people have belly fat while others don't. In addition to the misconception that working directly on your abdomen will magically make your belly fat disappear, many believe that size has direct impact on a person's belly size.
As it relates to your belly, size doesn't matter. You can be rail thin and have a pooch and be 25 pounds overweight and have a disproportionately small belly in comparison to the rest of your body. Men under the age of 40 have more of a tendency to hold on to belly fat than women and as women reach menopause, they are more likely to develop a rounder tummy never before seen. And, if you tend toward belly fat, regardless how much you work out, you may have another issue. Those who carry excess fat around the abdomen have a much greater chance of heart disease than those who have small bellies.
As it relates to your belly, size doesn't matter. You can be rail thin and have a pooch and be 25 pounds overweight and have a disproportionately small belly in comparison to the rest of your body. Men under the age of 40 have more of a tendency to hold on to belly fat than women and as women reach menopause, they are more likely to develop a rounder tummy never before seen. And, if you tend toward belly fat, regardless how much you work out, you may have another issue. Those who carry excess fat around the abdomen have a much greater chance of heart disease than those who have small bellies.
Cardio and Eating Differently
Now that you understand what can predispose you to belly fat, it's time to understand how to lose it. And by losing it, what we are saying is not just work toward those hard as rock abs, but making overall changes to your health.
Altering your diet will not only help burn your abdomen fat, but it will also help improve your cardiovascular health. Doing this in conjunction with increasing your heart rate during workouts and you've got 95% of the battle down. Although that cheeseburger and fries tastes
delicious, it is not only adding unnecessary fat to your midsection, it is also just not a healthy way to go through life. Replacing the cheeseburger with 4 ounces of salmon and the fries with asparagus will over time decrease your belly fat. But this isn't a one-shot deal. Every food choice you make will have an effect – both negative and positive – on your belly.
delicious, it is not only adding unnecessary fat to your midsection, it is also just not a healthy way to go through life. Replacing the cheeseburger with 4 ounces of salmon and the fries with asparagus will over time decrease your belly fat. But this isn't a one-shot deal. Every food choice you make will have an effect – both negative and positive – on your belly.
Adding vegetables and lean cuts of meat to your diet will guarantee that over time your belly shrinks. Rather than a pound of macaroni and cheese, why not replace that with a second vegetable and maybe 4 ounces of mac and cheese? Nobody said that deprivation was the key, either. Moderation is just as important. Although French toast and fried potatoes
sounds like a delicious way to start the day, a slice of whole wheat toast, as much fruit as you can cut up and a bowl of whole-grain cereal won't sit both in and on top of your belly all day long.
sounds like a delicious way to start the day, a slice of whole wheat toast, as much fruit as you can cut up and a bowl of whole-grain cereal won't sit both in and on top of your belly all day long.
While you are working on a new menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner, replace the 100 sit-ups you have been doing every day with a 5-mile run. Increasing your cardio is good both for heart health and will decrease the inches around your abdomen. But again, it's about repetition.
Altering your habits will have a dramatic effect on your overall health – abdomen included.
Mental Attitude
Remember earlier the mention of how altering the way you exercise and eat will account for 95% of improving your health and in particular the belly fat you want to lose? The final 5% is all mental. Stress actually adds belly fat; did you know that? Numerous studies – including one conducted by Harvard Medical School – cite stress as a contributing factor in the increased belly fat many adults carry around. So while you're out to improve your health, chill out! Don't sweat the small stuff and when you are feeling stressed, work to eliminate it. It's not good for your belly and it's not good for your overall health.
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