People suffering from type 2 diabetes are constantly being told
by their doctors and dietary nutritionists alike that saturated fats are
the cause of heart disease. Doctors tell them to stay away from
anything containing this ingredient. They are being told this because
they have a greater chance of suffering from heart disease. The truth
is, those type of fats are NOT the cause of cardiovascular disease.
There are some facts to prove that it's not the saturated fats that's
causing this killer disease, but it's the packaged, processed, sugar,
and refined foods that everyone is consuming that is really causing an
alarmingly high percentage rate of heart disease in our country
The fact of the matter is before 1920 incidents of cardiovascular disease was extremely low and, it was not until about 1950 did we see this increased rate in cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease kills 40% of the population. And it's probably a lot higher than that as I write this. The question becomes, "What happened between 1920 and 1950 that caused such an increase in heart disease?" Now, if the truth is that saturated fat is what's causing heart disease, we would assume that people now eat more saturated fat than during that time period. Correct?
The fact of the matter is before 1920 incidents of cardiovascular disease was extremely low and, it was not until about 1950 did we see this increased rate in cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease kills 40% of the population. And it's probably a lot higher than that as I write this. The question becomes, "What happened between 1920 and 1950 that caused such an increase in heart disease?" Now, if the truth is that saturated fat is what's causing heart disease, we would assume that people now eat more saturated fat than during that time period. Correct?