Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Are Saturated Fats the Cause of Heart Disease?

   People suffering from type 2 diabetes are constantly being told by their doctors and dietary nutritionists alike that saturated fats are the cause of heart disease. Doctors tell them to stay away from anything containing this ingredient. They are being told this because they have a greater chance of suffering from heart disease. The truth is, those type of fats are NOT the cause of cardiovascular disease. There are some facts to prove that it's not the saturated fats that's causing this killer disease, but it's the packaged, processed, sugar, and refined foods that everyone is consuming that is really causing an alarmingly high percentage rate of heart disease in our country currently.

   The fact of the matter is before 1920 incidents of cardiovascular disease was extremely low and, it was not until about 1950 did we see this increased rate in cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease kills 40% of the population. And it's probably a lot higher than that as I write this. The question becomes, "What happened between 1920 and 1950 that caused such an increase in heart disease?" Now, if the truth is that saturated fat is what's causing heart disease, we would assume that people now eat more saturated fat than during that time period. Correct?

Staying Active at Work

   Do you spend most of your time sitting at a desk? If so you may have a high-risk job. Not in the same way as a policeman or a fighter pilot, but staying glued to a seat for hours at a time can take its toll on your health. Need proof?
According to a study carried out by the American Cancer Society, sitting more than 6 hours a day boosts the risk of dying from all causes by up to 40%. Other research shows that prolonged sitting increases the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity, all conditions that can shorten your life. This holds true even if you exercise for an hour a day. It seems that too much sitting sends your body into "idle mode." This leads to biochemical changes that increase the risk of death.
So what's the solution? Don't stop working out at the gym, but take steps to be more active during working hours. Need some guidance? Here are some tips for staying active at work.
Take Advantage of the Stairs
   If you work in an office that has stairs, use them to your advantage. Walking up and down the stairs a few times will boost your heart rate and get blood and oxygen circulating to your brain. This helps ward off fatigue and improve your ability to think and make decisions. Plus, it keeps your body out of idle mode. Take a break every hour and tackle the stairs. You'll feel more refreshed when you return, and you'll be doing something good for your health.

Go Organic - 9 Simple Steps Towards Organic Living - Start Loving Yourself Without Breaking the Bank

  Our body, it knows exactly what it needs. The question is - do we understand its language? Haven't we closed its mouth with synthetic cosmetics, offensive medicines, fast food and stress? If your answer is yes, then very simple, affordable and practical choices will help you in your endeavor to go organic and to deliver your mind and body with health, happiness and beauty. Take a look at these simple ideas for a quick start in organic living.

1. Recharge your sun batteries - the best vitamin D source
  Stay out for at least 2 hours a day. This is the time needed for the body to take its necessary amount of vitamin D and fresh air. Our body has its own ways to transform these sunny hours into a feeling of happiness. You may wonder if it is an organic living idea. Yes, it is, if it makes you healthier.

2. Walk barefoot
   Another simple, but still great organic living idea. Feet have reflex spots. Through them, barefoot walking does an incredible massage of the spleen, liver, adrenal gland and all the other parts of the body that take care for our well-being. It is also a great pleasure, especially if practiced in nature. Walk barefoot whenever it's possible and prove you are free from pointless fears and prejudices.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The 3 Biggest Factors to a Fit and Healthy Life

  How can you live a fitter and healthier life? Upon being asked such a question, many people will ponder on it looking for the most accurate answer.
After all, we are discussing the critically important matter of a person's health. Because of this, it is vital that the answer is correct and all correct answers are complicated. Is that not the case here? Absolutely not! The truth of the matter is there are three very simple things which factor into whether or not a person's health will remain optimal.

Here is a look at those three very critical factors:

Don't Smoke:
   Smoking is probably the most disastrous of lifestyle choices one could ever make. Smoking is the number one cause of preventable deaths as it contributes to heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and all manner of other serious ailments. The negative respiratory impact also leads you towards a more sedentary lifestyle which will yield a further ripple effect of problems. And did you know that nicotine is considered a poison? Once you take all these factors into consideration you quickly realize that not smoking will improve your chances of living a healthier life immensely.

   Obesity is the second most common contributor to serious health ailments. When you are overweight, you are susceptible to many of the same problems that would occur if you were a smoker. Namely, your odds of heart attacks and strokes dramatically increase. Kidney problems can also arise from obesity.


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